- We have a house moving date, next month.
- My parents have become utterly infuriating.
My Dad didn't appear to have had a stoke but has "thickening around the brain", and has had stroke-like symptoms. However, having the stroke tests come up negative have made my folks decide they're fine and dandy to go on an independent holiday a 12 hour flight away.
Despite the fact that they find it increasingly difficult to do a day or overnight trip to two nearby cities, and that a 12 hour flight is a long way away if my Dad has one of his turns and, even if its a wobble rather than a catastophe, a day's solid travelling is a long time if you don't know how ill he is... oh, I don't know. I could shake them.
Mum still keeps acting like my Dad is at death's door too. "He gets very sore and achy when he's tired," she said sonorously, a couple of hours after telling us about their travel plans. So why are you both hellbent on carrying on like you're both in your 20s, then?
- I am fat
- The Boy is fine